14 November 2016 | Tim Media UISI

Analysing The Factors Affecting The Public Interest to Invest in Islamic Capital Market through Stock Exchange of UISI Gallery Investment

As an attempt to economic growth in the country aftermath of the financial crisis around the world economy, and in an attempt to support the policies implemented by the government.

 Ahmad Dahlan Malik, B.A.(Hons)., M.Ec.

Economics and Business Faculty, Sharia Economics Program Study, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


Abstract: As an attempt to economic growth in the country aftermath of the financial crisis around the world economy, and in an attempt to support the policies implemented by the government, the need for investors to give their roles through the capital market is necessery. As the development of capital markets to reduce uncertainty and the role of capital markets in real terms, the Islamic capital market formed that aims to accommodate investors from both Muslims and non-Muslims. As an investor in the development efforts of its role in the Islamic capital market, analyzes the need for investors to be interested to invest their capital in the Islamic capital market. In these goals, this study was undertaken to analyze the factors - factors that affect the interests of investors through the stock gallery UISI investment in the form of risk factors, income levels, motivation, knowledge, perception, and learning to invest in the Islamic capital market. The results of research conducted has a model Y = 0.011 + 0.386 + 0.380 X1 + 0.290 X2 X3 - X4 0,016 - 0,045 X5 - X6 0.005. These models are becoming a significant role of the respondent or investor in BGIU (Exchange Gallery UISI Investment) through risk, income, and motivation variables which has important than others because the variables have positive regression.

Keywords: Consideration of investment, risk, income, motivation, knowledge, perception, learning.

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