15 November 2016 | Tim Media UISI

Determination Direct CO2 Emisions from Campus Anthropogenic Activity in Campus A Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission has become a common concern to the international community.

Izzati Winda Murti
Email: izzati.murti@uisi.ac.id
Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission has become a common concern to the international community. Activities that emit greenhouse gases (GHG) such as energy supply, industry, forestry, agriculture, waste transportation, and waste. In addition, the use of electronic equipment with electrical power also plays a role in emitting greenhouse gases. One of gas which is included in the GHG is carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbondoxide is a gas with the highest percentage of 50% in total GHG. Globally, 25 % of all emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the world comes from the problems of human activity, while the rest is produced from burning fossil fuels, namely oil and coal. General approach to determine the CO2 emissions is based on the guidelines of the IPCC. These guidelines indicate that for calculating the load of emissions is by multiplying the emission factor by the level of activity. This paper aims to conduct an inventory of direct CO2 emissions from some human activities in Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia (UISI). The focus is to update an information about CO2 emissions from some human activities in UISI so the direct emisions that calculated are fosil combustion from transportation inside UISI’s area, human respiration, and septick tank emmission. From three direct CO2 emission source, we know that there are 353,34 Ton CO2/yr around UISI, and will be higher when the number of students and employees increased. The highest value comes from human respiration. It takes contribution about 74 %. And the smallest is emission from septic tank, it takes contribution only 0,13%.

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