Ekstraksi Faktor Kompleksitas Game Menggunakan Metode Function Points
Renny Sari Dewi (a), Trias Widha Andari (b) , Maulidan Bagus A. Rasyid (c), Ramadhany Candra A.P. (d)
a Sistem Informasi, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, Komplek PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Jl Veteran, Gresik 61122, Indonesia
b Desain Komunikasi Visual, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, Komplek PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Jl Veteran, Gresik 61122, Indonesia
c,d Studio MaulidanGames.com, Perumahan Wisma Mukti, Jalan Klampis Anom VIII Klampis Ngasem, Surabaya 60117, Indonesia
After the President of the Republic of Indonesia established a Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) by Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 6 the Year 2015, Bekraf initiated to push the creative business actors to collaborate with government to improve the nation's reconstruction of this entertainment business. The game today has become a means of education that can be accepted by all circles of communities. Therefore, the researcher aims to assist the business of digital creative field to estimate computer game development effort based on Function Points (FP) method which is better known as cost calculation of application software development project. The results of this study are the need to modify the understanding of computer game parameters ranging from the input, output, inquiry, logic file intern, and logic file extern. After that, the complexity factor needs to be redefined and synchronized with eight items of LeBlanc taxonomies. Then, it collaboration namely Game Complexity Factors (GCF). GCF has 22 items of complex factors that consist of 8 LeBlanc taxonomies for environment difficulties and 14 items of technical complexity.
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