23 Juli 2021 | Tim Media UISI

OPTIMASI PROSES EKSTRAKSI BAHAN-BAHAN MINUMAN TRADISIONAL INDONESIA (Optimization of Extraction Process from Indonesian Traditional Drink Ingredients)

Indonesia is known for its local wisdom with functional food potential in the form of traditional drinks. Traditional drinks products are made from the extraction of natural ingredients such as ginger and turmeric rhizome, java tea leaves

Yunita Siti Mardhiyyaha*, Budi Nurtamab, C. Hanny Wijayab
aDepartemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, Gresik, Indonesia
Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor,
Bogor, Indonesia
* Penuliskorespondensi

Email: [email protected]



Indonesia is known for its local wisdom with functional food potential in the form of traditional drinks.
Traditional drinks products are made from the extraction of natural ingredients such as ginger and
turmeric rhizome, java tea leaves, and sappan wood. The functional health of functional drinks is influenced by the effectiveness of phytochemical components extraction from ingredients. The purpose of this study was to obtain the optimal extraction process from traditional Indonesian beverage ingredients, namely java tea, sappan, ginger and turmeric. Optimizing the extraction time of java tea leaves and sappan wood was developed using Response Surface Methodology with Design Expert 7.0 software. The optimum extraction process from java tea leaves and sappan wood is obtained by heating in water for 30 minutes with ratio of ingredients and water was 1:25. Mathematical equations can be used to predict total phenol and antioxidant extract activity. Scaling up caused a decrease in antioxidant activity and total phenol of extracts. On the pilot plant scale the value of antioxidant activity and total phenol were 2508.9
ppm AEAC and 926.6 ppm GAE for java tea leaves extracts and for sappan wood extract were 1601.7
ppm AEAC and 1319.9 ppm GAE. The efficiency and effectiveness of the ginger extraction process was obtained through soaking the rhizome in hot water (90-95oC) for 3 minutes, while turmeric did not need to be carried out. Extraction of ginger by this way was able to provide total phenol of 2294.6 ppm GAE and 61.1% yield. The optimum extraction procedure in turmeric gave a total phenol extract of 5621.8 ppm GAE and a yield of 46.9%. Thus, the optimum extract obtained can be used for functional drink formulations with various health benefits.
Keywords: extraction, phenol, antioxidant, java tea, sappan, ginger, turmeric


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