Applying Behavioral Segmentation to Develop Student Activities in Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia
Faculty Member of Economic and Bussiness Faculty, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, Gresik
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: Segmentation is not only applied in business sector, but also in other sectors such as education sectors. Segmentation can be utilized to reveal useful information about student’s characteristic. One of the famous segmentation is to divide a group with similar characteristic based on their behavior lifestyle. We were interested to conduct a research that emphasizes the lifestyle characteristics SI1 generation students of UISI according to factors AIO (Activity, Interests, and Opinions) of the three segments of the working interest of the student. This study shows that the final semester students UISI the sample in this study is divided into three segments, namely the segment with the interests of employees, employers working interest segment, and the segment with an interest to continue their studies. We found that there are 58 respondents or a frequency of 95.1%, which goes into the first segment, is a student with an interest employee, then 2 respondents or 3.3% to the second segment is a student with a working interest in entrepreneurship. The third segment of the university students with an interest to continue further study, only 1 respondent or about 1.6%.
Keywords : Segmentation, behavioral, segmentation. lifestyle