9 Oktober 2020 | Tim Media UISI

Maturity Level Assessment for ERP Systems Investment Using Val IT Framework

PT Semen Indonesia Distributor, one of the subsidiaries of Semen Indonesia Group, which has implemented an ERP system namely Waru Abadi Information System (SIWA) since 2017.

Renny Sari Dewi*
Department of Information Systems, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, Jalan Veteran, Gresik 61122, Indonesia



PT Semen Indonesia Distributor, one of the subsidiaries of Semen Indonesia Group, which has implemented an ERP system namely Waru Abadi Information System (SIWA) since 2017. After 2 years running, they took the initiative to measure the ERP system investment performance that they have issued using the Val IT framework 2.0. As we have known, Val IT framework has 3 domains, namely Value Governance, Portfolio Management, and Investment Management. There are 3 stages carried out by researchers, including data collection by means of in-depth analysis of 5 influential people in IT investment decision making, data validation, and maturity level justification. The results of this study are the maturity level of the ERP system implementation at PT Semen Indonesia Distributor reaches 3.79 (scale 5) based on the Val IT framework 2.0.



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