29 Oktober 2018 | Tim Media UISI

Chemical Engineering Week 4th

The 4th Chemical Engineering Week hadir dengan tema "TURN INNOVATION INTO INDONESIA'S MOST VALUABLE RESOURCES"
22 Okt 2018 09:05:30 - 07 Jan 2019 23:57:57

Chemical Engineering Week 4th

[Chemical Engineering Week 4th]
Hello, Friend Chemy
The 4th Chemical Engineering Week is here again! this time with a theme
Chemical Engineering Department Universitas Internasional Semen Indoensia  is proud to present 
<< The 4th Chemical Engineering Week >> Main Event ~
✔ [N-CELCIUS] National Chemical Engineering Olympiad of Science and Applied Chemistry 
✔ [LKTI] Scientific Writing Competition (Sub Themes: Technology, Industry, Energy, Health, Environment) 
✔ [WRITY] Writing For Charity (Application Technology Innovation Based on Environmentally Friendly in Realizing Indonesia SDGs 2030) 
✔ Ansys training 
Sub Event ~
✔ [FORCE-WEEK] Performance for Chemical Engineering Week
✔ [CHEZARITY] Chemical Engineering Bazaar and Community Expo 
✔Give Blood Give Life 
✔ One Day Shoot 
✔ Tour de Factory PT. Semen Indonesia 
Registration: October 22, 2018 - January 7, 2019

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