27 Oktober 2023 | Tim Media UISI

A Simulation of Berth Scheduling Problem for Container Terminals Considering Internal Trucks and Vessels Arrival Time

This research develops a berth scheduling simulation model to solve the Berth Scheduling Problem at a container terminal. Berth scheduling is influenced by the vessel's arrival time,

Maulin Masyito Putria), Muhammad Faisal Ibrahimb), and Rifki Ratih Triwardanic)
Department of Logistics Engineering Departement, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, PT. Semen
Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Area, Jl. Veteran, Sidokumpul, Gresik, Jawa Timur, Indoensia, 61122
a) Corresponding author: [email protected]
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This research develops a berth scheduling simulation model to solve the Berth Scheduling Problem at a container terminal. Berth scheduling is influenced by the vessel's arrival time, because it will affect the availability of the quay and material handling. The vessel needs material handling for loading and unloading process in container terminal, there are quay crane and internal trucks. The internal truck moves the unloading containers from quay to the container yard and the loading containers from container yard to the quay. The quay crane will start loading and unloading when the internal trucks arrive at the quay. It often causes the quay cranes and vessels to wait for loading unloading process. In addition, this will have an impact on the berthing time of the vessel and the waiting time for other ships that will berth. This research develops a berth scheduling simulation by considering the arrival time of the vessels and internal trucks to get the vessel's berthing schedule and assign the QC by minimizing waiting time and berthing time.


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