Model of Twin Automatic Stacking Crane Operation Strategy with Dynamic Handshake Area in an Automated Container Terminal
Maulin Masyito Putri1*, Ahmad Rusdiansyah2, Siti Nurminarsih1
1) Logistics Engineering Department, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia
Kompleks PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Jl. Veteran, Gresik 61122, Indonesia
2) Industrial and System Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology and
Systems Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]*, [email protected], [email protected]
*Corresponding author
This paper proposes a new idea for allocating a handshake area of an automated container yard. A block of automated container yards (CY) consists of two areas, which are the import (waterside) and export (landside) areas. The CY has two major activities (loading and unloading), where both are served by Twin Automatic Stacking Cranes (Twin-ASCs). A handshake area in the middle of the CY serves as a temporary slot for both ASCs. This situation causes an imbalance between the ASCs when the demands of each side differ significantly. Thus, we proposed using a dynamic location of the handshake area corresponding to the proportion demand of export and import containers. We developed a heuristics model and algorithms of ASC’s operations to compare the efficiency of the ASC operations between the fixed and the dynamic location. Based on our model and algorithm, we developed simulation software. Finally, we explored some numerical experiments to compare the performance of both policies in dealing with different export and import demand scenarios. Our result showed that the proposed approach outperformed the existing one in reducing unnecessary ASC movements.
Keywords: Automated container yard, twin automatic stacking cranes, dynamic handshake area, simulation.
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