Pengukuran Keserupaan pada Communication Diagram menggunakan Metode Graph Edit Distance
Hidayatul Munawaroha, Rizqi Amrullah Wildan Yanib, Liris Aditya Ningsihc
aDepartemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, [email protected]
bDepartemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, [email protected]
cDepartemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, [email protected]
E-learning is an electronic learning system that is created as a learning media so that the delivery of learning material and assessment of answers to practice questions and exams can be done online. Learning with e-learning method provides opportunities for students to take part in learning at flexible locations and times. The e-learning model is widely used in learning, so it is necessary to increase the need to automate the evaluation process in e-learning. In practice, some learning topics include descriptive answers or pictures in the form of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams such as exam questions on Software Requirements Engineering (SRE). One of the diagrams used is communication diagram, so it is necessary to develop a method for evaluating answers in the form of a communication diagram. This study proposes graph modeling on communication diagrams for measuring the similarity between two diagrams and measuring the similarity between communication diagrams. The communication diagram is modeled into a graph before its similarity is measured.
Furthermore, the measurement of the similarity between the two representational graphs is carried out based on structural
aspects which are divided into two components, namely inter-structural and intra-structural. Each component is measured for similarity using the Graph Edit Distance method. The GED calculation is performed to find the minimum cost to transform the initial graph to the desired graph. From the results of this study, it is proven that the similarity of communication diagrams can be measured by the Graph Edit Distance method by modeling the diagram into the previous graph form.
Keywords: Communication Diagram, E-learning, Graph Edit Distance
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