29 Januari 2021 | Tim Media UISI

Rancang Bangun Sistem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) untuk Organisasi Kemahasiswaan

The dynamic of student organizations made documentation and recording of organizational activities not well organized. Documentation and recording are carried out separately by each department in the organization resulting in obstruction of the evaluation

Taufiqotul Bariyah1 , Catur Wulandari2

1 Informatika, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia

2Sistem Informasi, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia

1 [email protected]*, 2 [email protected]



The dynamic of student organizations made documentation and recording of organizational activities not well organized. Documentation and recording are carried out separately by each department in the organization resulting in obstruction of the evaluation of activities that have been carried out during the management period, as well as difficulty in monitoring ongoing activities. This problem can be overcome by building an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that has been adapted for student organizations. The ERP concept can be applied to realize data centralization, furthermore the web-based ERP model allows easy access to information including access to all features for documentation and recording. The existence of an ERP system for the organization, can enable documentation and evaluation of the organization more efficiently and allows real-time monitoring of all members of the organization. Based on the test results obtained, the ERP4HIMA system can be accepted by its users as measured in terms of benefits, satisfaction, convenience in use, and ease of learning with a percentage of 90.91%. Based on the validation test results obtained, the ERP4HIMA application has met all the functional requirements of the system.

Keywords: document, erp, information system, integrated, data centralization


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