Semua Kategori
Analisis Peluang dan Tantangan Penggunaan Financial Technology Sebagai Upaya optimalisasi Potensi UMKM (Studi Kasus UMKM di Gresik)
The purpose of this study is to describe and interpret the challenges and opportunities of financial technology (fintech) for the development of MSMEs. This study seeks to describe the research subjects, namely SMEs.
Transparansi Pengungkapan Penghindaran Pajak Berdasarkan Perspektif Teori Pemangku Kepentingan
The existence of disclosure initiative of tax planning is a attractive solution since it has been applied in several countries. This study aims to look at the existing practice of disclosure on tax planning from the perspective of stakeholder theory.
Efek pemediasi modal intelektual pada ketidakpastian lingkungan, strategi inovasi dan kinerja organisasi
This study aims to examine the effect of environmental uncertainty on innovation strategies and organizational performance and when combined with intellectual capital as variable that mediate innovation strategies and organizational performance.
Buku Ekonomi Teknik
Buku ini membahas konsep dan metode-metode yang digunakan dalam analisis ekonomi teknik khususnya di Indonesia. Dalam buku ini, ekonomi teknik dibahas secara detail dengan bahasa yang ringan, dalam tujuh bab pembahasan.
The hybrid whale optimization algorithm: A new metaheuristic algorithm for energy-efficient on flow shop with dependent sequence setup
Recently, The industrial sector produces about half of the worlds total energy consumption. Manufacturing companies are required to reduce energy consumption. This article aims to develop a Hybrid Whale Optimization Algorithm (HWOA). We use the objective
The Sustainable Economic Order Quantity Model: A Model Consider Transportation, Warehouse, Emission Carbon Costs, and Capacity Limits
Recently, the problem of minimizing emission carbon in the industry has become a focus of much research. One of the efforts that were successfully carried out was managing the sustainable economics order quantity (SEOQ). However, several SEOQ had assumpti
A literature review on reducing carbon emission from supply chain system: drivers, barriers, performance indicators, and practices
This study aims to review the literature in reducing carbon emission from supply chain system for the past few years and presenting drivers, barrier, performance indicator, and practice. The issue of reducing carbon emission become frequently discussed si
Locker Facility Allocation for Delivery of Goods in the E-Commerce Business
In urban logistics, long distance shipments from warehouses to consumer are becoming difficult with continued e-commerce growth. This requires complex planning and scheduling to minimize global travel costs, but often experiences challenges such as loweri
An effective hybrid ant lion algorithm to minimize mean tardiness on permutation flow shop scheduling problem
This article aimed to develop an improved Ant Lion algorithm. The objective function was to minimize the mean tardiness on the flow shop scheduling problem with a focus on the permutation flow shop problem (PFSP). The Hybrid Ant Lion Optimization Algorith
Development of Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Systems for Logistics System
Logistic activities are significant activities that pose various risks for the company. These risks can affect the company’s performance. To be able to compete in the globalization era, companies need proper risk management. This study aimed to develop Ri