26 Oktober 2023 | Tim Media UISI

Hybrid Henry Gas Solubility Optimization: An Effective Algorithm for Fuel Consumption Vehicle Routing Problem

The depletion of non-renewable fuel reserves is the biggest problem in the logistics sector. This problem encourages the transportation sector to increase fuel efficiency in distribution activities. The fuel optimization

Dana Marsetiya Utama 1au, Baiq Nurul Izzah Farida1b, Ulfa Fitriani1c, M. Faisal Ibrahim2d, Dian Setiya

Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia
Jl. Veteran, Gresik 61122, Indonesia



The depletion of non-renewable fuel reserves is the biggest problem in the logistics sector. This problem encourages the transportation sector to increase fuel efficiency in distribution activities. The fuel optimization problem in distribution routing problems is called the Fuel Consumption Vehicle Routing Problem (FCVRP). This study proposes a novel Hybrid Henry Gas Solubility Optimization (HHGSO) to solve FCVRP problems. Experiments with several parameter variants were carried out to determine the performance of HHGSO in optimizing fuel consumption. Two data instances with 12 and 22 nodes were used to test the algorithm's effectiveness. In addition, the variation of population parameters, iterations HHGSO and the variable Kilometers per liter (KPL) are applied to optimize fuel consumption. The results show that the parameters of the HHGSO algorithm affect fuel consumption and computation time. In addition, the higher the KPL, the smaller the resulting fuel consumption. The proposed algorithm is also compared with several algorithms. The comparison results show that the proposed algorithm produces better computational time and fuel consumption than the Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization, simulated annealing, and Tabu Search algorithms.

Keywords: fuel consumption, algorithm Henry Gas, Vehicle Routing Problem, distribution


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