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90% Program Studi di UISI Terakreditasi "Baik Sekali"
90% Program Studi di UISI terakreditasi "Baik Sekali"
Istighosah Kubro Dan Buka Bersama Dalam Serangkaian Kampus Ramadhan, Diramaikan Oleh Civitas Akademika UISI
Istighosah Kubro Dan Buka Bersama Dalam Serangkaian Kampus Ramadhan, Diramaikan Oleh Civitas Akademika UISI
Memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun, Ikatan Istri Karyawan Semen Indonesia (IIKSMI) Kunjungan Ke Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia (UISI)
Memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun, Ikatan Istri Karyawan Semen Indonesia (IIKSMI) Kunjungan Ke Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia (UISI)
10 Mahasiswa UISI Lolos Program Magang MSIB
10 Mahasiswa UISI Lolos Magang MSIB.
Perancangan Komik Digital Webtoon “The Story Behind Damar Kurung” sebagai Media Edukasi
Perkembangan teknologi mendorong manusia untuk berpikir lebih dinamis dan kreatif. Kreatifitas dapat dituangkan dalam berbagai media, salah satunya melalui media digital yang lebih fleksibel untuk diakses melalui gawai.
Designing the Teenpreneur Interactive Digital Module to Support Entrepreneurial Interests and Soft Skills Development in High Schools in Gresik City
In fact, entrepreneurial learning is not solely to produce a product and to seek business benefits as much as possible. In learning entrepreneurship learners are not only required to create a product and market it.
Fault Classification of Pump Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) Method
A machine is a mechanical or electrical equipment using the working principle of converting energy to assist human activities or produce certain products.
Signal Reconstruction using Inter-microphone Time Difference for Bearing Fault Diagnosis
The separation of mixed signals is one of the focuses of research related to acoustic signal processing. Mixed signals can be obtained from unpredictable environments.
Identifikasi Sumber Bising Berdasarkan Sinyal Campuran dengan Algoritma Minimum Variance Distortionless Response Weighted (MVDRW) pada Mesin Kompresor
The vibration of the rotating engine can produce mixed sound and noise. The purpose of this study is to localize the noise sources by using mixed signals. The angular spectrum method with the Minimum Variance Distortionless Response Weighted (MVDRW)
Kampus Ramadhan LDK 2023
Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK) colaborasi dengan Tim Marketing UISI dalam bulan Ramadhan mengadakan bagi-bagi takjil untuk masyarakat Kota Gresik.