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Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Terintegrasi untuk UPT PUSKESMAS
Pelayanan pada puskesmas sering dinilai kurang cepat. Proses administrasi yang masih manual ditambah lagi dengan jumlah pasien yang banyak membuat antrian menjadi tidak dapat dihindari sehingga waktu pelayanan menjadi lama. Data rekam medis yang masih dis
Factors Affecting Crowdfunding Investor Number in Agricultural Projects: The Dummy Regression Model
As an important sector in the Indonesian economy, the low capital problems in agriculture should be solved. Crowdfunding is one of the solutions gaining modal from society. This agricultural investment could be an attractive personal asset, too. But, no i
Batik pattern recognition using convolutional neural network
Batik is one of Indonesia's cultures that is well-known worldwide. Batik is a fabric that is painted using canting and liquid wax so that it forms patterns of high artistic value. In this study, we applied the convolutional neural network (CNN) to identif
Berhenti Insecure dan Gali Potensi Diri Sekarang
Menurut Bianglala, seorang psikolog, dalam kehidupan ini, kita sering dihadapkan pada kenyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Dibutuhkan pemahaman diri yang dewasa agar kita dapat memahami potensi kita masing-masing dan mengembangkannya.
An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem Pick-up and Delivery with Time Windows
Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) have many applications in real systems, especially in distribution and transportation. The optimal determination of vehicle routes impacts increasing economic interests and expected logistical planning results.
Optimised Genetic Algorithm Crossover and Mutation Stage for Vehicle Routing Problem Pick-Up and Delivery with Time Windows
Abstract. Some problems happen in transportation and distribution. Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) can be applied in some systems above. Deciding the optimal route for every vehicle will impact increasing economic interests and expected logistical planning
A Three-Phased Perishable Inventory Simulation Model with Quality Decrease Consideration
This article focuses on simulating a three-phase perishable product inventory system of SMEs selling fresh and processed milkfish. This research was conducted to simulate a perishable product inventory system to understand and analyze the problems
A New Hybrid Butterfly Optimization Algorithm for Green Vehicle Routing Problem
In the industrial sector, transportation plays an essential role in distribution. (is activity impacts climate change and global warming. One of the critical problems in distribution is the green vehicle routing problem (G-VRP). (is study focuses on G-VRP
Transformasi Struktur Organisasi UISI
Tanggal 15 Februari 2021 UISI melalui Satuan Penjaminan Mutu dan Pengawasan Kinerja telah melaksanakan workshop terkait strategi peningkatan budaya mutu. Tujuan pelaksanaan adalah untuk menyegarkan dan mengingatkan kembali akan pentingnya mutu organisasi.
Perkuat Kinerja, UISI Lakukan Restrukturisasi Organisasi
Rektorat Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia melakukan pergantian jajaran wakil rektorat dan bagian kerja sejak akhir tahun 2020.